Hahei Wastewater Update 2022
Overall Plan
The current Long Term Plan (LTP) includes expenditure of $2.784M over three years from 2023 to 2026. The project only encompasses the short-term recommendations from the 2020 Wastewater Expansion Feasibility Study (click here to read the report Hahei Wastewater Expansion Feasibility Study Final ) which is the inclusion of approx. 70 properties in the areas adjacent to the Wigmore Stream. Investigations and design will commence in July 2023 with construction scheduled for 2024-25 and 2025-26.
As we develop the sewage collection system design, we will work with affected properties near the Wigmore Stream to explain costs and options for funding the project.
The medium and long-term recommendations will require improvements to the treatment plant and a new wastewater disposal resource consent.