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Traffic Consultation 2018 – Updated

Traffic Consultation Results

TCDC received 319 written submission in response to their request for public views on the proposed changes to parking by laws in Hahei Village. TCDC also devoted a day to receive verbal submissions.

TCDC’s summary of the submissions can be found here TCDC Parking Consultation Staff Report. However, if wish to read all 320 individual submissions, click on the following.  Parking Submissions3, Parking Submssions2Parking Submissions1. If you wish to read the HR&RA verbal submission click here. VerbalSubmission

Apart from new parking restrictions are the Hahei Store, there will be no changes to parking in Hahei as a result of the Consultation.

What lessons can we learn from this process?

  1.  Minimal parking rules and regulations part of the Coromandel and Hahei culture. We like our freedom to park where ever we choose.
  2. Parking problems only occur for short, but growing,  period of the year. Many people would prefer to endure, and/or enjoy, the holiday crowds, than have parking controls.
  3. There is no general consensus on the best traffic management solution for Hahei. In these circumstances, it is better to make small incremental changes and test their effectiveness before moving on.

Going forward, we will continue monitor Cathedral Cove visitor numbers, peak traffic volumes and their impact on street parking.

Traffic Consultation Background Information

TCDC has invited Hahei ratepayers to express their views on possible new bylaws in Hahei. The consultation takes place 10 August 2018 to 4 pm on 10 September. Details of the consultation process can be found on the TCDC website by clicking here. TCDC also mailed out a letter to ratepayers. If you did not receive the letter, you can read it here. Consultation Letter

We urge all Hahei Residents and Ratepayers to exercise your democratic right and submit your views.

To assist in you in preparing your submission, here is a summary of the key points you should consider.

What options is TCDC proposing?

The consultation documentation identifies only two options.

  1. Resident Parking Only in whole of Hahei from Pa Rd to then beach
  2. No Stopping lines throughout the whole of Hahei

There is however, a third option –  keep the status quo and no new parking controls.

What are the benefits of Resident only parking?

Resident only parking would

  1. Remove many day visitor cars from the streets of Hahei. They would be required to park in the Visitor Car Park or other Council car parks
  2. Enable residents to safely walk along grass berms. Children would again be able to play on the streets more safely.
  3. A first step in the creation of walking village.

What are the downsides of Resident only parking?

Resident only parking could have the following effects

  1. Reduce visitors to Hahei, affecting sales in retail shops
  2. Make Hahei appear unfriendly
  3. Restrict free movement of locals
  4. Change the character of Hahei

What aspects of Resident Parking does the Council still need to address?

The recent survey identified a number of key issues that were critical to the success of resident parking. Not all have been covered in the draft bylaws. If you support resident only parking, we recommend you specify that you support is conditional on the following matters being resolved satisfactorily

  • Number of Resident parking permits. The draft bylaw allows for one permit whereas the Action Plan allowed for two permits per residential property. Our recent survey indicated support for two or more permits. If you would like more than one permit, please say so with a reason.
  • Resident Parking Permits, Area – There is no definition of which properties would be entitled to residential parking permits. In our discussions we have always included all of Hahei Village (including all of Hahei Beach Road), Orchard Road, Sarahs Hill, Link, Lees and Hahei Roads).
  • Simple Low Cost Permit System – Permits only need to be issued once and surrendered upon sale of the property. They are likely to be a small card to be placed in your vehicle windscreen and therefore minimal cost.
  • Emergency and Trade Visitors – There needs to be a system in place to cover
    • Emergency services,
    • Trades and contractors
    • Visitors, renters and those who live here
    • Playcenter users, Library volunteers etc.
      While preliminary discussions with the TCDC Compliance Manager indicate that this should not be a problem this is not explicitly stated in the current proposal. If you feel this is important, please say so.
  • Patricia Place – The Resident parking proposal excludes Grange Road.  It should also exclude Patricia Place, as there are no stopping lines there as well. We need to ensure that berm parking in these 2 areas is restricted as well, with the exception that residents may park on the berms in Patricia Place.
  • Free Parking at Council Pay and Display Car Parks – The proposal indicates that permits would not be able to park for free in Council pay & display areas. This is contrary to the Action Plan adopted by the Community Board which was “That one permit per property be provided to permanent residents and ratepayers of the area bounded by Boat Harbour Road, State Highway 25, Hot Water Beach Road, Purangi Road, Hahei Road and the Purangi Estuary to permit free use of all Council car parks in Hahei and Hot Water Beach”.
  • Annual Review – The proposal does not allow for a review of the parking permit after each summer and we believe we must have a way of regularly adjusting traffic management to maintain the support of residents.
  • Signage – In your submission, please give your recommendations on the number and locations of signs. We could try just 2 or 3 signs strategically located and see how it works.
  • Hours of operation – Since the shuttle bus will operate from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm, it may be sensible for parking restrictions to operate over the same period. Please submit your views on the hours when parking restrictions should operate.

No Parking in Hahei Village - what does this mean?

The draft bylaw issued by TCDC proposes that all streets from Pa Road to the beach would be no parking. They would have dotted yellow no parking lines, similar to Grange Road. Berm parking would not be allowed. If you consider this amount of of control excessive, the rn say so in your submission. Perhaps you would like only a few streets to have no parking. We suggest you specify the streets but remember that, as we have seen with Grange Road, no parking in some streets will drive visitors to look for alternatives throughout Hahei.

Retain Status Quo - What will this mean for Hahei?

Perhaps the best option at this time to simply accept the current situation and make no changes to parking Bylaws in Hahei. The benefits of this option is

  • No cost
  • Maintain freedom to park anywhere

But doing nothing we have not addressed the following issues

  • Continued growth of tourism in Hahei. Should Hahei continue to be the parking lot for Cathedral Cove?
  • The inconvenience property owners face of tourists parking all over the streets of Hahei.
  • It will be increasingly difficult to persuade visitors to use pay and display car parks.


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